Pricing - KS4 GCSE Edexcel Maths, Higher / Foundation Tier
Is your child following Higher or Foundation Tier GCSE Maths program?
Are they approaching the end of the course?
Are the Mock Exam results not as what you hoped for?
Do they need some help with the exam technique or revision strategies?
Have they lost motivation or confidence?
If you answer YES to any of the above, I can help!
I offer small group GCSE 'Maths Booster Classes' , 60 minutes each week, term time only.
Topics follow closely GCSE Edexcel Maths, Higher / Foundation Tier syllabus.
Parents/carers pay on a monthly basis and there is no long-term commitment.
£25 for 60 minute online session
Pricing - KS3 Mathematics
Is your child starting Secondary School coming September?
Or are they in year 8 or 9 of Secondary School?
Have they lost motivation or confidence?
Do they need some help with revision strategies?
If you answer YES to any of the above, I can help!
I offer small group KS3 'Maths Booster Classes' , 60 minutes each week, term time only.
Parents/carers pay on a monthly basis and there is no long-term commitment.
£25 for 60 minute online session